10 Ways AI in Education Can Prove to be a Game Changer

Last Updated on: April 5, 2024

10 Ways AI in Education Can Prove to be a Game Changer

In today’s dynamic education landscape, AI offers transformative solutions to long-standing challenges. As business leaders and decision-makers, recognising AI’s pivotal role in shaping education is crucial. Traditionally, education faces the issues of standardisation and limited personalisation, but AI provides innovative solutions catering to individual needs and fostering inclusivity. This blog explores ten compelling AI in Education use cases, showcasing their potential to revolutionise the sector and benefit Edtech businesses. 

Let’s dive into these transformative applications and the opportunities they offer.

Table of Contents

10 Use Cases of AI in Education

How can Businesses earn Revenue via AI-powered Edtech Apps?

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I. 10 Use Cases of AI in Education

1. Personalised Learning

Traditional education lacks personalised learning paths, hindering student engagement. AI provides tailored paths, optimising learning outcomes by addressing individual needs effectively.

1.1 Example

Scenario: Consider a high school maths class where students exhibit varying levels of proficiency in algebra. 

Problem: Traditional teaching methods present challenges for both struggling and advanced students. 

Solution: With AI-powered personalised learning platforms, struggling students receive extra practice, while advanced learners tackle more challenging problems. 

1.2 Benefits

  • Improved engagement and motivation
  • Enhanced knowledge retention and academic performance
  • Tailored learning experiences for individual students

1.3 Edtech Application Idea

The app idea involves utilising AI algorithms to analyse student data and deliver tailored learning paths based on individual strengths and weaknesses. 

Key features include:

  • Adaptive content delivery
  • Real-time progress tracking
  • Personalised feedback mechanisms

2. AI-powered Chatbots & Virtual Assistants

AI in Education: Personalised Learning - Systango

Limited accessibility to support outside of classroom hours burdens students and teachers. This results in unanswered inquiries and increased workload for educators during peak times. AI-powered chatbots provide round-the-clock assistance, enhancing accessibility and fostering a supportive learning environment efficiently.

2.1 Example

Scenario: Consider a bustling university where students face challenges obtaining timely assistance outside office hours, particularly during exams. 

Problem: This leaves them frustrated and stressed. 

Solution: AI-powered chatbots provide 24/7 support, answering queries promptly, and easing the burden on students and staff.

2.2 Benefits

  • Improved student accessibility and support
  • Reduced teacher workload
  • Personalised learning assistance

2.3 Edtech Application Idea

The app idea entails implementing natural language processing algorithms to provide instant assistance to students. 

Key features include:

  • Round-the-clock availability
  • Personalised responses
  • Seamless integration with existing educational platforms

3. Data-driven Curriculum Development

Traditional curriculum development lacks data-driven insights, resulting in generic learning materials that may not effectively address students’ needs. AI can help analyse student data to develop targeted and effective curricula, enhancing learning outcomes.

3.1 Example 

Scenario: Consider a school district grappling with persistently low student achievement in science.

Problem: Generic curriculum materials fail to address individual learning needs, hindering student progress and academic success.

Solution: Leveraging AI-driven data analysis, the district identifies areas of weakness and creates tailored curriculum materials, resulting in significant improvements in student comprehension and achievement in science subjects.

Seeking to improve your Edtech offerings with AI?

  • Our experts specialise in integrating advanced AI solutions to boost engagement and streamline operations effectively.

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3.2 Benefits

  • Targeted and effective learning materials
  • Improved curriculum relevance
  • Addressing specific student needs

3.3 Edtech Application Idea

The app idea involves utilising AI algorithms to analyse student performance data and identify specific learning gaps. 

Key features include:

  • Personalised curriculum recommendations
  • Real-time progress tracking
  • Learning analytics dashboards

4. Immersive Learning Experiences

Conventional methods often fail to fully engage students in complex subjects, limiting knowledge retention and understanding. AI personalises immersive experiences, enhancing comprehension for deeper learning.

AI in Education: Immersive Learning Experience with VR - Systango

4.1 Example

Scenario: Consider a biology class struggling with cellular biology concepts.

Problem: Traditional methods lack engagement, resulting in limited comprehension.

Solution: Implement AI-powered VR and AR simulations for interactive learning, fostering deeper understanding and knowledge retention.

4.2 Benefits

  • Enhanced student motivation
  • Deeper comprehension of complex concepts
  • Improved knowledge retention through practical application

4.3 Edtech Application Idea

The app integrates advanced VR/AR technology to provide hands-on simulations of real-world scenarios. 

Key features include:

  • Adaptive VR/AR learning simulations
  • Interactive 3D models
  • Gamified learning modules
  • Personalised feedback

Our Reading Recommendation: AI Business Ideas: Future Trends And Opportunities

5. Early Identification of Learning Difficulties

The long-used teaching methods overlook subtle signs, delaying interventions and worsening students’ struggles during learning. AI in education is essential as it analyses student data for early detection of difficulties like dyslexia or ADHD, enabling timely personalised support, improving outcomes, and fostering inclusivity in education.

5.1 Example

Scenario: Imagine a classroom where a student consistently struggles with reading, unable to keep pace with assignments.

Problem: Despite efforts, the student’s difficulties remain unnoticed, leading to frustration and academic stagnation.

Solution: By utilising AI-powered reading assessment tools to analyse Sarah’s reading patterns and behaviours, Sarah’s teacher identifies dyslexia signs early, tailoring interventions for her academic success.

5.2 Benefits

  • Early intervention and support for struggling students
  • Tailored interventions and personalised support strategies
  • Improved learning outcomes and academic success

5.3 Edtech Application Idea

The app idea entails utilising AI algorithms to analyse student behaviour and performance data comprehensively.

Key features include:

  • Automated screening assessments
  • Personalised intervention recommendations
  • Real-time Progress tracking tools

Ready to shape the future of education with AI?

  • Systango offers comprehensive AI-powered Edtech app development with personalised learning, efficient assessment, and comprehensive support features.

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6. Language Learning & Tutoring

Traditional language learning methods often fail to provide personalised feedback, hindering fluency and proficiency. AI revolutionises language education by offering personalised experiences, adaptive tutoring, and real-time feedback, significantly accelerating language acquisition and proficiency.

6.1 Example

Scenario: Imagine a student struggling to grasp French pronunciation despite diligent practice.

Problem: Traditional language learning methods provide limited feedback, leaving the student frustrated and unable to correct pronunciation errors effectively.

Solution: Sophisticated voice recognition technology in language tutoring apps analyses speech patterns in real-time, providing instant feedback on pronunciation accuracy. Through tailored practice exercises, the student can improve fluency and confidence in speaking French. 

6.2 Benefits

  • Enhanced accessibility and engagement in language learning
  • Improved pronunciation and fluency
  • Personalised learning pace

6.3 Edtech Application Idea

The app idea involves creating an AI-powered platform utilising advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms offering personalised, immersive experiences. 

Key features include:

  • Adaptive learning paths for individual proficiency levels.
  • Interactive exercises for practical learning.
  • Real-time feedback for pronunciation and grammar refinement.

7. Automated Content Creation

AI streamlines content creation by personalising learning materials and generating practice problems based on student progress. This reduces teacher workload and provides students with diverse learning materials, fostering autonomy in their learning journey. Additionally, AI-powered curation ensures that content remains relevant and engaging for students.

7.1 Example

Scenario: Imagine a teacher preparing lesson plans for a diverse classroom, needing to cater to various learning styles and abilities. 

Problem: The challenge arises when sourcing appropriate materials and creating engaging content tailored to each student’s needs. 

Solution: With AI-powered content creation and curation tools, the teacher can efficiently generate personalised learning materials, curate relevant resources, and adapt content to suit individual learning preferences, ensuring an enriched learning experience for all students.

7.2 Benefits

AI in Education: Content Creation - Systango
  • Reduced teacher workload in content creation
  • Diverse learning materials for students
  • Fostering student autonomy in learning

7.3 Edtech Application Idea

The app idea utilises cutting-edge advanced AI-powered speech recognition technology to enhance fluency and proficiency. 

Key features include:

  • Personalised pronunciation coaching
  • Interactive conversation simulations
  • Adaptive lesson plans

8. Proctoring & Security in Online Exams

Online exams often struggle with maintaining integrity and detecting cheating effectively. AI solutions offer advanced proctoring features like facial recognition and plagiarism detection, ensuring fair assessment practices.

8.1 Example

Scenario: Consider an online exam where students are tempted to cheat, threatening academic integrity.

Problem: Traditional monitoring methods fall short, jeopardising fairness and trust in the assessment process.

Solution: With AI-powered proctoring systems, institutions ensure integrity using features like facial recognition and plagiarism detection, safeguarding the value of education and upholding academic standards.

8.2 Benefits

  • Ensures exam integrity and fairness
  • Detects cheating behaviours effectively
  • Promotes trust in the assessment process
  • Upholds academic standards
  • Reduces manual monitoring efforts
  • Provides advanced security features like facial recognition and plagiarism detection

8.3 Edtech Application Idea

The app idea involves leveraging cutting-edge AI technology to uphold exam integrity and fairness. 

Key features include:

  • Real-time facial recognition
  • Plagiarism detection
  • Behaviour analysis

Seeking to improve your Edtech offerings with AI?

  • Our experts specialise in integrating advanced AI solutions to boost engagement and streamline operations effectively.

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9. Intelligent Assessment & Feedback

Traditional assessment methods lack efficiency and personalised feedback, hindering learning outcomes. AI automates grading, analyses data, and offers real-time feedback, enhancing efficiency and improving learning outcomes.

9.1 Example

Scenario: Imagine a teacher grading hundreds of handwritten essays, struggling to provide detailed feedback efficiently.

Problem: Manual grading consumes valuable time and limits personalised feedback, hindering student growth and learning outcomes.

Solution: By utilising AI-powered assessment tools like automated essay scoring systems and performance analytics software, the teacher automates grading, analyses student performance data, and delivers personalised feedback in real-time. This significantly improves efficiency and enhances learning outcomes for all students.

9.2 Benefits

  • Automates grading process
  • Provides real-time feedback
  • Analyses student performance data
  • Personalised feedback for each student
  • Enhances efficiency for teachers
  • Improves learning outcomes

9.3 Edtech Application Idea

Intelligent Assessment & Feedback - Systango

The app idea entails leveraging AI technology to enhance grading processes and deliver personalised feedback efficiently. Key features include:

  • Automated grading
  • Real-time performance analysis
  • Personalised feedback generation

10. Special Needs Education Support

Traditional education struggles to effectively support students with special needs, resulting in limited accessibility and tailored learning experiences. AI personalises learning, caters to diverse needs, and offers alternative methods, ensuring inclusivity for all students.

10.1 Example

Scenario: Imagine a student with ADHD in a bustling classroom, struggling to focus and engage.

Problem: Traditional teaching methods may not suit the student’s learning style, leading to frustration.

Solution: Implementing AI-powered assistive learning tools provide personalised support, fostering engagement and academic success.

10.2 Benefits

  • Enhanced inclusivity and accessibility in education
  • Personalised learning plans and adaptive learning platforms
  • Tailored support strategies for each student
  • Increased engagement and academic success for students with special needs

10.3 Edtech Application Idea

The app utilises AI features like personalised learning plans and adaptive learning platforms to transform learning experiences.

Key features include:

  • Adaptive learning platforms tailored to individual needs
  • Personalised learning plans for each student
  • Tailored support strategies to foster academic success

These ten use cases demonstrate the diverse applications of AI in education, showcasing its potential to revolutionise teaching and learning processes. Edtech businesses can leverage these opportunities to innovate and enhance their offerings, ultimately driving positive outcomes for students and educators alike.

II. How can Businesses earn Revenue via AI-powered Edtech Apps?

Edtech businesses can generate revenue by implementing AI in their apps through various avenues:

Ways of Monetising AI Edtech Apps for Businesses - Systango
  1. Subscription Models

Offer premium features or content accessible through subscription plans, providing users with enhanced AI-powered learning experiences.

  1. Licensing AI Technology

License AI algorithms or tools developed by the Edtech company to other educational institutions or businesses for a fee.

  1. Freemium Model

Provide basic AI-powered functionalities for free while charging for advanced features or personalised learning experiences.

  1. Content Sales

Sell AI-generated educational content, such as interactive modules, assessments, or study materials, to users or institutions.

  1. Partnering with Institutions

Collaborate with educational institutions to integrate AI solutions into their learning management systems or provide customised AI-driven educational services.

  1. Advertising and Sponsorship

Monetise the app through targeted advertising or sponsorships from relevant educational brands or organisations looking to reach the app’s user base.

  1. Data Monetisation

Aggregate and anonymise user data generated by AI algorithms to provide valuable insights or analytics to educational stakeholders for a fee.

By leveraging AI technologies effectively, Edtech businesses can enhance their offerings, attract more users, and diversify their revenue streams in the competitive educational technology market.

You might also like to read: Revolutionising Education: Personalised Learning Experiences with Generative AI

III. Systango – Your Premier Edtech Development Partner

At Systango, we pride ourselves on being a leading provider of Edtech development services, committed to driving innovation and transformation in the educational sector. Here’s why we’re the ideal partner for your Edtech endeavours:

  1. Expertise in AI-Powered Solutions

Our team possesses extensive expertise in developing AI-powered Edtech solutions, enabling us to create personalised learning experiences, streamline assessment processes, and address diverse learning needs effectively.

  1. Proven Track Record

With a track record of successful projects in the Edtech space, including adaptive learning systems, virtual tutoring platforms, and AI-enhanced content creation tools, we have demonstrated our ability to deliver impactful solutions that drive tangible results.

  1. Tailored Solutions for Your Needs

We understand that every organisation has unique requirements. That’s why we work closely with our clients to develop tailored solutions that meet their specific needs, goals, and objectives.

  1. Innovative Approach

Our innovative approach to Edtech development ensures that we stay at the forefront of technological advancements, enabling us to deliver state-of-the-art solutions that push the boundaries of what’s possible in education.

  1. Dedicated Support

From conceptualisation to implementation and beyond, our dedicated team provides comprehensive support at every stage of the development process, ensuring a smooth and successful project delivery.

Contact us today to discuss your Edtech development needs and discover how Systango can empower your organisation to harness the full potential of AI in education.


The ten AI use cases outlined in this blog underscore the transformative impact of artificial intelligence on education. The use of AI in education will not only revolutionise teaching and learning but also offer lucrative revenue opportunities for Edtech businesses.

AI-powered Edtech apps present various revenue streams, including subscriptions, AI technology licensing, freemium models, content sales, partnerships, ads, and data monetisation. These avenues enable businesses to thrive while enhancing education. Whether it’s personalised learning experiences, streamlined assessments, or meeting diverse learning needs, AI stands as a beacon of innovation in education.

We encourage business leaders and decision-makers to explore Edtech development services and leverage the power of AI to drive innovation and enhance educational outcomes. With Systango as your premier Edtech development partner, you can unlock endless possibilities and shape the future of education through innovation and technology.

Ready to shape the future of education with AI?

  • Systango offers comprehensive AI-powered Edtech app development with personalised learning, efficient assessment, and comprehensive support features.

Request a Call Software Development Company | Systango

Dipiya Jain

March 28, 2024

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