
Redefining Radio for the Streaming Age


Objective Of Feelshare.

Feelshare is a unique social platform for those who live and breathe music. This music sharing app lets users discover, feel, and broadcast music in real-time for people across the globe. The app offers complete control on music and lets users speak to the audience via a mic. Live video feature is also there to show the world where you are.


Our Solution.

The team wanted to create a music-sharing application that integrates with Spotify, Apple Music, & Deezer. To create a unique multimedia-streaming prototype to support music sharing, we worked on both iOS and android MVPs.

We also lended some solid insights on gamification and other aspects to improve the utility of the app and deliver a gratifying music experience. Some of its features-

  • A large catalog of user-built playlists
  • Search feature to discover artists, albums, & playlists
  • Sync user’s playlist to listen offline
  • Social share options
  • We provided superlative designs and implementations that ideally impacted engagement and engrossed music-lovers across the globe.



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