Hugo Energy

Hugo Energy is a revolutionary Smart Meter App designed to streamline energy management by providing users with detailed data on their gas and electricity consumption up to the previous day. The tool empowers users to plan their budgets, switch service providers, and even purchase CO2 offsets for a greener footprint.


Cross-Device Compatibility

Enhanced Data Collection

Third-Party Integrations

Efficient Data Processing

Objective Of Hugo Energy.

Hugo Energy’s project with Systango encompassed the following objectives:

Hugo Energy

Our Solution.

Systango delivered a comprehensive solution to overhaul the Hugo Smart Meter App, enhancing its performance, usability, and data collection capabilities. Our approach included the modernization of outdated PHP data collection scripts, a complete revamp of the sign-up and data collection modules, and the introduction of innovative technologies and practices.

  • Replacement of PHP Scripts: We initiated the project by updating the outdated PHP data collection scripts, which were no longer meeting the app’s growing requirements.
  • Enhanced User Experience: The user interface and experience were significantly improved by leveraging the Ionic framework, providing a seamless and consistent user journey across various devices.
  • Efficient Data Collection with Lambda Functions: We replaced the PHP cron jobs with AWS Lambda functions, enabling rapid and multi-threaded data processing, crucial for handling a large user base.
  • Data Archival System with Amazon S3: To ensure secure, efficient, and long-term data storage, we introduced a data archival system using Amazon S3, enhancing data management.
  • Third-Party Integrations: Successfully integrated various third-party services such as Nergy, Debounce, Airship, Zendesk, Stripe, and more, expanding the app’s functionality and user convenience.


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