
Oak9 aims at keeping their clients cloud infrastructure secure by design so the businesses can focus on their growth. The tool provides a secure cloud-native infrastructure for developing and innovating quickly. Being a Security as Code platform, Oak9 intelligently identifies and remediates security and compliance issues or gaps. All in all, it aims at making DevOps and security work smarter; saving 100+ work hours for businesses.


Configured Cloud Environment

Saved 100+ Business Hours

Functional IaaS Platform

Objective Of Oak9.

Oak9 aimed at developing a platform that understands and applies all types of changes and updates across the infrastructure. Be it a regulatory update or implementing the latest security best practice from AWS or a code of terraform has been updated, the platform would do that automatically within the infrastructure. In order to achieve this, the platform demanded automation to identify compliance design gaps. Following are a few code features that were to be embedded on the platform:

  • Security as Code
  • Visualizing design gaps
  • Global compliances recommendations
  • Identifying Security patches
  • Providing security plans for businesses


Our Solution.

Systango’s cloud computing engineers helped Oak9 configure an entire cloud environment to identify security design gaps by reading Infrastructure as Code (such as Terraform), which then monitors for drift and offers actionable advice to remediate quickly. The platform was developed in a way to natively understand Infrastructure as Code and did it with the following steps:

  • Terraform script was written by cloud experts
  • Issues were identified through Terraform
  • Solutions were identified with a different Terraform script
  • Azure plugin on CI/CD to scan the server sheet and display the results
  • Monitoring tools were utilised for recommending steps to stay secure



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