Standard Normal Energy

Standard Normal Energy (SNE) Platform is used by a trader to bid/offer on Energy Market Portals - MISO, NYISO, ERCOT, CAISO & ISONE. They focus on scalable business models in the areas of digital energy solutions, storage and efficiency. They have built a product to ensure great chemistry and collaboration between the founders, management team and investors in the energy sector.


Fully Functional Product

User flow & Strategy Consultation

Integrated Energy APIs

Implementation of TraderBot

Objective Of Standard Normal Energy.

Standard Normal Energy reached out to Systango with an idea to create and enhance an energy TradeTech platform. The team required tech assistance from experts at Systango to revamp the existing web application and manage all the enhancements, upgrades, and future developments. This role-based access trading platform demanded a comprehensive IT solution including design services, frontend development, backend development, quality assurance and deployment.

Standard Normal Energy

Our Solution.

Standard Normal Energy (SNE) leveraged our end-to-end fintech consultation and technology service to build an Energy TradeTech platform. After understanding the business requirements and the flow of how its system must respond, we put all the technical implementations in place.

We assisted them with the development of front-end, and back-end infrastructure, its design, and testing all the way to its deployment. The team decided on the workflows for placing the trades on the platform, application personas, process to uploading/assigning the certificates, and displaying the market results on the platform.

Systango’s tech team built a trade and exchange platform enabling traders to bid/offer on energy market portals and even place bulk trades using CSVs. Moreover, a Trader Bot API was also made operational to place trades into the application and after risk and position analysis those trades will be placed over the Market Portals.

Other top features that were added to the application include:

  • 5 application personas were chosen with distinct natures and functionality
  • 3-clicks trade completion with automated workflow
  • 2-clicks trade cancellation
  • Intuitive Monitoring of risks and trades
  • 1-click approval and rejection of trades
  • Slack Integration as a communication channel

Standard Normal Energy


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