
Core technology team to a Million Dollar Company, slashed hosting expenses by a staggering 80%, and increase footprint by ten folds.


Efficiency gain. Tools augmented service delivery.

Cut hosting expenses from $10k/month to $2K/month.

Used by Disney Pandora across their 150+ stores.

Objective Of Waitlist.

Waitlist came to us for technology expertise, to build a full version SAAS Queue-Management Web App from an MVP and redo their iOS and Android app. They needed more than just a bigger app; they needed a full-fledged SaaS platform, capable of catering to a burgeoning user base and scaling seamlessly across diverse environments. They were looking for technical expertise to optimise service delivery and slash their hefty hosting expenses.


Our Solution.

Our agile development team, boasting an arsenal of cutting-edge technologies, rose to the challenge. We crafted a robust SaaS platform, leveraging the potent combination of ReactJS and Python on Google App Engine. This strategic choice ensured exceptional performance and opened doors to cost-effective scalability.

Since Waitlist partnered with us in 2012, we have been managing their web platform, Google Cloud environment, iOS app, and external integrations.

The relationship has now grown beyond a vendor – client and we are now very tightly integrated with Waitlist’s core values.



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