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Artificial Intelligence
Development Services.

Our AI development portfolio comprises a range of robust AI services, each exhibiting a high degree of reliability and intelligence. We are dedicated to merging cutting-edge AI solutions with deep domain expertise, creating a seamless partnership between humans and machines. Below are the top AI/ML development services we offer to harness the true power of human-machine collaboration to our clients.

Generative AI

Leverage Systango's expertise in developing cutting-edge Generative AI solutions using advanced LLM models like GPT-4, Llama 2, Midjourney, and DALL-E. Our team excels in harnessing the power of visual content analysis, enabling brand identification, data insights, business intelligence, visualisation, and beyond.

Our Offerings

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    AI Model Fine Tuning
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    AI Model Architecting
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    Natural Language Processing
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    Generative AI Integration
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    Upgrade and Maintenance

PoC & MVP Development

We create scaled-down versions of AI solutions for validation, followed by Minimum Viable Products (MVP) that deliver essential functionalities, enabling real user validation, and iterative enhancements for quick market entry. Our approach allows for efficient development, ensuring that AI solutions align with user needs and market demands.

Our Offerings

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    Feasibility Check
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    Real User Validation
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    Iterative Enhancements

Custom AI Development

We cover it all - from data prep and training to testing and seamless deployment. With our expertise in AI-powered apps, we align them seamlessly with your business goals. Our meticulous engineering guarantees optimal performance across interfaces and algorithms. We prioritise security and ethical AI for responsible innovation.

Our Offerings

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    Domain-specific Model Development
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    AI Product Development
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    AI as a Service (AIaaS)
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    Responsible AI

Smart AI Agents & Chatbots

At Systango, our AI services encompass the seamless integration of AI chatbots across various platforms, websites, and applications. As an AI services provider, we engineer custom conversational agents that empower efficient client interactions and elevate customer experiences.

Our Offerings

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    Business Processes Automation
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    Conversational AI Agents
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    Context-based Chatbots
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    Chatbot Integration

AI/ML Consulting

Our expert team of data scientists, machine learning engineers, and AI strategists leads the way in conceptualising, developing, and deploying cutting-edge AI/ML solutions tailored to our client's unique challenges.

Our Offerings

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    AI Strategy Development
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    AI Opportunity Mapping
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    Data Engineering
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    AI Integration

Recommendation Engines

Elevate your business with our custom recommendation engine services. We enhance customer satisfaction, retention, and revenue streams by providing precise conversion-focused recommendations, streamlining your business processes as never before.

Our Offerings

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    Content Recommendations
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    Cross Sell and Up Sell Strategies
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    Notification Engine
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    Product Recommendations

Predictive Modelling

Our predictive modelling services analyse past data, unveil patterns and predict future scenarios. This empowers enhanced planning, strategy, and informed decisions, helping you anticipate upcoming trends effectively.

Our Offerings

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    Data Analytics Services
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    Computer Vision
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    Deep Learning

Our AI Development Know-How.

Machine Learning


Our adept team harnesses supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement machine learning to engineer intelligent systems requiring minimal human intervention, yet making optimal decisions.

Natural Language Processing

Natural Language

Elevate user experience with our AI-driven NLP solutions. From real-time speech recognition to conversation AI, we transform interactions through tailored NLP innovations.

Deep Learning


As a dedicated AI software development company, we unleash the potential of multi-layered neural networks to craft bespoke AI solutions that not only mimic but surpass human brain functions.

Robotic Process Automation

Robotic Process

Our AI development services offer Robotic Process Automation solutions that elevate business efficiency, agility, and productivity while reducing errors.

Computer Vision


Specialising in AI solutions for visual recognition, we excel in biometric authentication, video monitoring, and analysis for reliable and efficient security applications.

LLM/ChatGPT Development


We customise ChatGPT models to create bespoke conversational AI solutions that seamlessly integrate with your applications and platforms.

Why Systango?

  • Over 10 years of experience crafting successful AI solutions specifically for B2B operations, streamlining processes and fueling your growth.
  • Our prioritise responsible AI development, ensuring your solutions are secure and trustworthy.
  • We invest heavily in R&D, delivering advanced AI solutions that drive efficiency and slash costs.
Data & Analytics Company | Systango

Client Success Stories.

AI Tracks Carbon Footprint & Rewards Green Choices.

AI Tracks Carbon Footprint & Rewards Green Choices..

A sustainable travel app that leverages AI to track users' travel modes (walking, cycling, public transport) and calculate their carbon footprint. It also incentivizes eco-friendly choices by rewarding users with features or benefits. The solution aims to raise awareness about environmental impact and encourage individuals and businesses to adopt greener travel practices.

AI Tracks Carbon Footprint & Rewards Green Choices.
Legal Chatbot with Document Analyser

Legal Chatbot with Document Analyser

Our solution involved developing an efficient, accurate chatbot system with a robust document analyser. This answered the call for streamlined legal processes, offering users enhanced access to information, quick case filing drafts, and expert query responses, resulting in improved productivity and user satisfaction.

Legal Chatbot with Document Analyser
AI-Powered DB Query Assistant

AI-Powered DB Query Assistant.

AI-powered text-to-SQL conversion empowered our Blockchain client with streamlined data retrieval, boosting user productivity and efficiency. The user-friendly interface reduced technical barriers, making blockchain operations accessible to all, ultimately enhancing the client's system accessibility and usability.

AI-Powered DB Query Assistant

AI Models We Have Expertise.

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